Diploma programme in Sales Leadership:
Going beyond learning about operational tools and know-how, RSM Executive Education’s Diploma Programme in Sales Leadership offers a personalised and strategic investment in performance improvement for you and your organisation. The payback is a learning experience that is relevant, learning objectives that are clear and actionable, and the tools and support you need to integrate them and transform your business practice.
A teaching staff of Rotterdam School of Management, professors, experts in the field, practitioners and sales coaches will actively accompany the participants in the programme.
The seven-day programme has two modules which are carried out over a period of six months. You will benefit from learning in a small group with a maximum of 20 participants. The workshop approach facilitates a dynamic learning experience with a ractical impact, and the programme makes full use of interactive methods such as case studies, classroom sessions, learning from best practices in other companies, discussions and teamwork to isolate and clarify the essence of each topic. RSM faculty members, specialists and business experts provide the latest academic and business know-how that covers the breadth of the sales leadership landscape. With at least three hours spent on each topic, the programme balances an in-depth exploration of the material with the opportunity for participants to bring their new knowledge and fresh models back to their own business situations and challenges.
Personal coaching
You will explore organisational challenges, and develop strategies to improve their personal effectiveness as a sales leader in one-to-one coaching sessions. These sessions also provide
support for your sales leadership thesis.
Sales leadership thesis
You will work on your own fact-based thesis throughout the programme to deepen your understanding and develop the skills to apply new knowledge. Your thesis challenge is to design an effective roadmap to meet a ‘must win’ sales challenge that delivers longerterm value for your organisation. Thesis work will be supported by your organisation and backed by RSM programme staff. Management involvement and support for the thesis topic is an important factor.
End conference
During the end conference, you will present your recommendations to faculty members, fellow participants and your management team. This forum provides an important stage for you to make the case for your proposal and get feedback from management and faculty on the quality and feasibility of you work.
Alumni network
Our alumni network offers the opportunity for continuous learning for everyone who has completed the sales leadership programme. The network provides a platform for discussion, for mutual support and for the exchange of ideas. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and to make new ones. Sales Leadership alumni events are organised three times a year in Rotterdam, and we invite guest speakers to present the newest perspectives and trends in sales leadership. These events are just one of the ways that graduates from the Sales Leadership programme can keep in touch with RSM faculty and peers. Alumni also stays connected to exchange practical know-how and their own developments through the online sales leadership blackboard, the programme’s LinkedIn forum and other RSM resources and databases, as well as by receiving our quarterly newsletter.
Senior experienced sales professionals involved in complex sales projects:
To ensure a diverse and coherent group, each applicant will meet with the programme director before admission. All programme applicants will be assessed for their suitability during a short intake interview to explore their learning objectives.
Benefits for participants:
Benefits for companies:
“I’ve been working in sales my entire professional career. Yet, RSM’s Sales Leadership programme gave me valuable insights that will improve my ability to raise the bar even higher, for myself and within the Riwal equipment sales division.”
– Arjan Snijder
Group Manager Equipment Sales, Riwal
RSM Diploma Programme Sales Leadership